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تاریخ : یک شنبه 10 فروردين 1399
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نویسنده : نعـــــــــــــــیم ایــــــرانــــی


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Language: English
Author: Ramsey
File Size: 697 MB (Megabyte)
File Format: ISO (Disc Image File)
SHA-1 (Hash): 34bd0b5a5a0604252cab
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بقیه نسخه های ویندوز XP در زیر توضیحات

 Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition 2020.3.15:


ReadMe File:


[---------- SHORT SUMMARY ----------]

Includes ALL the latest Windows XP and POSReady 2009 Updates/Hotfixes until 11.6(June).2019 and will also automatically receive new Windows XP (POSReady 2009) Updates until at least April 2019 and no Windows XP Activation or Cr4ck or CD-K3y is required.
Also included are over 350 MB of additional LAN, WLAN, Chipset, SATA/AHCI and NVMe drivers, including with some Themes, Runtimes, Patches, Fixes, Tweaks and some optional Programs and Pre-Configured Settings.
A Help file is also included in the ISO/Disc folder "..\OEM\WinXPPx86IE" with lots of useful information, such as on how to install Windows XP with an USB Flash Drive and on how to integrate your own SATA/AHCI drivers and much more.

[---------- CHANGELOG ----------]

(#) 2020.3.15 Changes:

* Added Generic SATA/AHCI driver v2019.6.10 (Trimming of the SSD needs to be done manually).
* Added Open Fabrics Alliance NVMe driver v1.3_20180719 (A version 1.5 replacer is also included).
* Added Compatible Windows Server 2003 file "storport.sys" (KB957910).
* Added ACPI Patch v2019.8.27 (Adds support for Intel 370/390 Chipsets and AMD Ryzen CPUs).
* Added Take Ownership XP v1.1.0 (Allows you to take ownership of a file or folder from the Right-click menu).
* Added Driver Pack WLAN v15.01.23.1 (Wireless Ethernet) and Chipset v14.12.31.1 (Mainboard Chip).
* Added a few cosmetic improvements.
* Replaced "Unlocker v1.9.2" with "LockHunter v3.3.4" (Unlocker has been discontinued).
* Removed Windows XP Internet Games (Microsoft has shut down these game servers).
* Removed Driver Pack BASE (Replaced by the Generic SATA/AHCI driver and by a new Custom Driver Pack Installer).
* Updated Windows XP Root Certificates Update (KB931125) from "October 2019 v41.0.2195.1910" to "February 2020 v41.0.2195.2002".
* Updated Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable from "v14.24.28127.4" to "v14.25.28508.3".
* Updated Basilisk/UXP from "v2020.1.17" to "v2020.3.13".
* Updated PotPlayer from "v1.7.21097" to "v1.7.21126".

Detailed Description:

[---------- INCLUDES ----------]

(#) Windows XP Updates:

* Windows XP Service Pack 3 (KB936929).
* Windows XP and POSReady 2009 Updates/Hotfixes until 11.6(June).2019.
* Windows Genuine Advantage Validation v1.9.42.0 (KB905474) {Cracked}.
* Windows Internet Explorer v8 (Roll Back to 6 possible).
* Windows Media Player v11 (Roll Back to 9 possible).
* Windows Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 (KB969084, KB2813347-v2, KB2870165-v3).
* Windows Rights Management Client (KB979099).
* Windows Driver Frameworks 1.9 - User Mode (KB970158) and Kernel Mode (KB970159).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013) - Image Mastering API v2.0 (KB932716-v2, KB952011).
* Windows Feature Pack for Storage v1.0 (KB952013) - ICCD Smart Card Driver.
* Windows Installer v4.5.6002.24298 (KB942288, KB4087398).
* Windows XP exFAT file system driver update package v1.0 (KB955704).
* Windows XP Root Certificates Update [February 2020 v41.0.2195.2002] (KB931125).
* Windows XP Revoked Roots Certificates Update [August 2019 v8.0.2195.1908] (SA3123040).
* Windows XP CAPICOM v2.1.0.2 (KB931906).
* Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update v1.2.
* Microsoft WinUSB 2.0 (KB971286).
* Microsoft XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack v1.2.
* Microsoft XML Core Services v4.0 SP3 4.30.2117.0 (KB2758694).
* Microsoft Web Folders v12.0.6612.1000 (KB907306, KB2526086/Rosebub).
* Microsoft Windows Browser Choice (KB976002-v5).
* Windows Update v7.6.7600.256.
* Windows Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
* Microsoft Update Web Control v7.6.7600.257.
* Microsoft Update Catalog Web Control v7.4.7057.249 (build time-stamp 130620-1021).

(#) Windows XP Runtime Libraries:

* Microsoft DirectX 9.0c End-User Runtimes v9.29.1974 (June 2010).
* Microsoft .NET Framework [Up-to-Date/12.2(February).2019]: 1.1 SP1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, 3.5 SP1, 4.0 Full - {Optional}.
* Microsoft Visual C++: 2002 (v7.0.9975.0), 2003 (v7.10.6119.0), 2005 SP1 (v8.0.50727.6229), 2008 SP1 (v9.0.30729.7523), 2010 SP1 (v10.40219.473), 2012 Update 5 (v11.0.61135.400), 2013 Update 5 (v12.0.40664.0), 2015-2019 (v14.25.28508.3).
* Microsoft Visual Basic: v1.00, v2.0.9.8, v3.0.5.38, v4.0.29.24, v5.2.82.44, v6.1.98.39 (SP6 Update KB2911777, KB2992332).

(#) Windows XP Applications:

* Microsoft Calculator Plus v1.0.0.908 {Replaces the default Calculator}.
* Microsoft BitLocker To Go Reader v1.0 (KB970401).
* Windows XP Powertoy - ClearType Tuner v1.01 - {Optional}.
* Windows XP Powertoy - Alt-Tab Replacement v1.0 - {Optional}.
* Windows XP User Profile Hive Cleanup Service v2.0.49 Beta - {Optional}.
* Windows XP GDI+ Detection Tool v1 (KB873374).
* Windows XP QFEcheck v6.2.29.0 (KB282784).

(#) Additional Applications:

* 7-Zip v19.00 - {Optional}.
* Basilisk/UXP v2020.3.13 (Mozilla Firefox fork for Windows XP) - {Optional}.
* PotPlayer v1.7.21126 - {Optional}.
* LockHunter v3.3.4 - {Optional}.
* ImDisk Toolkit v2019.11.26 - {Optional}.
* HashCheck v2.4.0.55 - {Optional}.
* Open Command Prompt Shell Extension v2.1.0 - {Optional}.
* Take Ownership XP v1.1.0 (Allows you to take ownership of a file or folder from the Right-click menu) - {Optional}.
* Toshiba UDF Reader Driver v2.5 (Allows you to browse HD-DVD and Blu-ray discs in Windows Explorer) - {Optional}.
* Paragon GPT Loader v8.0.1.2 (Adds support for 2.2TB+ drives) - {Optional}.

(#) Windows XP Patches/Fixes:

* Extended Update Support Patch v1.0: Extends the Windows XP update support from "April 2014" till at least "April 2019" (POSReady 2009 Updates).
* ACPI Patch v2019.8.27: Adds support for Intel 370/390 Chipsets and AMD Ryzen CPUs (May not work on all mainboards) [acpi.sys].
* TCP/IP Patch v1.0: Allows you to have 16777215 (Maximum) Half-Open TCP Connections instead of 10 [tcpip.sys].
* UxTheme Patch v1.0: Allows you to use un-signed Custom Visual Styles (Windows XP Themes) [uxtheme.dll].
* TermSrv Patch v1.0: Allows you to have multiple concurrent remote desktop connections [termsrv.dll].
* SFC Patch v1.0: Allows you to disable and enable the Windows File Protection with the registry entry "SfcDisable" [sfc_os.dll].
* FlpyDisk Patch v5515: Allows Non-standard Floppy Formats [flpydisk.sys].
* SndRec32 Patch v2.0: Fixes a Sound Recorder error message on computers that have more than 2GB of RAM and Increases the Recording Time Limit from 60 Seconds to 999 Seconds [sndrec32.exe].
* Shell32 Patch v1.0: Fixes the missing Icons in the notification area [shell32.dll].
* WOW32 Patch v1.0: Fixes the Win 16 Subsystem insufficient resources problem [wow32.dll].
* NTDETECT Patch v1.1: Resolves a problem with some buggy BIOS'es, when installing Windows XP with an USB Flash Drive [NTDETECT.COM].
* RAID-5 Patch v1.0: Enables Software RAID-5 Support [dmadmin.exe, dmboot.sys, dmconfig.dll].
* SERVICES Patch v1.0: Includes more assigned port numbers for well-known services defined by IANA [services].
* MNF4SBF v3.1: Fixes a Microsoft .NET Framework 4 bug that causes a slow Windows XP boot up (File placed in the Startup menu).
* Fixed missing ClipBook Viewer shortcut in the Start Menu (accessor.inf).
* Fixed missing dll registry entries for the Microsoft Jet and OLE files (KB4034775 Update Bug).

(#) Windows XP Tweaks:

* Pre-Configured Windows XP Settings - {Optional}.
* Pre-Configured Program Settings - {Optional}.
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications v1.9.40.0 (KB905474).
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows XP End Of Service Notifications (KB2934207).
* Suppressing Microsoft Update nagging to install Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v5.39.12900.0 (KB890830).

(#) Extras:

* Ported Compatible Updates/Hotfixes and RTM files from Office 2000, Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows POSReady 2009, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (More details in the ReadMe file).
* Generic SATA/AHCI driver v2019.6.10 (Auto trimming for the Solid-state drive (SSD) is not supported, you can do this manually after the installation).
* Open Fabrics Alliance NVMe driver v1.3_20180719" (May not work on all NVMe Drives. If version 1.3 doesn't work for you, then you can try out version 1.5 in the ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* Driver Packs: LAN v18.04.21 (Cable Ethernet), WLAN v15.01.23.1 (Wireless Ethernet), Chipset v14.12.31.1 (Mainboard Chip), SATA/AHCI v18.04.21 (Mass Storage) - Compressed = 47 MB / Uncompressed = 355 MB - {Removable}.
* 9 Additional Windows XP Themes - {Optional}: "Windows XP Embedded", "Black Mesa v2.0", "ChaNinja Style RC5 v1.0", "Disney - It's a Magical World v2.0", "NeoGeniX LS v1.0", "Luna Element Black v5.1 + CSS", "Royale Remixed v1.47", "Windows 7 Colors v1.1", "Zune Final v1.0".
* Windows File Protection Utility v1.4 (In "Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools").
* Windows XP CD-K3y Changer v1.2 (In ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* Windows NT Registration Changer v1.0 (In ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* Text file with some valid WGA CD-K3ys (In ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* Help file with lots of useful information (In ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\WinXPPx86IE").
* All Patched and Modified files are all digitally signed with a custom certificate.

[---------- REMOVED ----------]

(#) Windows XP Components:

* Nothing was removed that could cause System or Software problems, only outdated and unneeded components were removed.
1. Applications: "Address Book", "Internet Games".
2. Multimedia: "Images and Backgrounds", "Movie Maker", "Music Samples".
3. Network: "MSN Explorer", "Netmeeting", "Outlook Express", "Windows Messenger".
4. Operating System Options: "Blaster and Nachi removal tool", "Desktop Cleanup Wizard", "Out of Box Experience (OOBE)", "Tour".
5. 3rd-party Drivers: "Display Adapters", "ISDN", "Logitech WingMan", "Microsoft SideWinder", "Scanners", "Sony Jog Dial", "Toshiba DVD decoder card".
6. Disc Files: "clock.avi", "flash.ocx", "mmc.chm", "plugin.ocx", "rdsktpw.chm", "swflash.inf", "swtchbrd.bmp", "yahoo.bmp".
7. Disc Folders: "DOTNETFX", "SUPPORT", "VALUEADD", "I386\WIN9XMIG", "I386\WIN9XUPG".

(#) Bugged Updates/Files that have not been added (Manual installers in ISO/Disc folder ".\OEM\Bugged Updates"):

1. "KB2926765" (shlwapi.dll) / This Update was not added due to a Microsoft bug with the changing of the Internet and E-mail item on the Start menu.

[---------- INFORMATION ----------] + [---------- HELP GUIDES ----------]



Windows XP Pro SP3 June 2019 x86 / SP2 June 2017 x64

نکات این نسخه‌ی Windows XP SP3 :

– حجم این ویندوز کم‌تر از یک 700 مگابایت است و می‌توان آن را روی یک CD رایت و استفاده نمود.

– برای رایت روی لوح فشرده از سرعت پایین استفاده کنید.

– آخرین نسخه‌ی فلش‌پلیر ( ارائه‌شده در زمان انتشار این ویندوز،  همراه ویندوز نصب می‌شود.

– نرم‌افزار Windows Media Player در این ویندوز به‌روز نشده و نسخه‌ی 9 است.

– این نسخه شامل آخرین آپدیت‌های مایکروسافت برای Windows XP است و از این نظر – طبق ادعای مایکروسافت – به‌روزرسانی جدیدی نخواهد داشت و صرفا به‌روزرسانی امنیتی جدید به آن اضافه خواهد شد.

سیستم مورد نیاز

(CPU: Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) processor or faster (300 MHz is recommended

(RAM: At least 64 megabytes (MB) of RAM (128 MB is recommended

HDD: At least 1.5 gigabytes (GB) of available space on the hard disk

 CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive –

 Keyboard and a Microsoft Mouse or some other compatible pointing device –

 Video adapter and monitor with Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher resolution –

 Sound card –

Speakers or headphones –

تصاویر Windows XP

Windows XP


سریال مورد نیاز برای نصب:


لینک دانلود


دانلود Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 Integral Edition 2019.6.15

دانلود Windows XP Professional Vl With SP3 x86 English August 2018

دانلود Windows XP Professional Vl With SP3 November 2017

دانلود Windows XP Pro SP3 Corporate Student Edition April 2017


دانلود Windows XP Professional SP2 VL Corporate X64 June 2017 Rev-2

گذرواژه فایل(ها) و منبع : www.downloadly.ir

:: موضوعات مرتبط: دانلود ویندوز - Windows OS , ,
:: برچسب‌ها: WINDOWS , WINDOWS DOWNLOAD , ویندوز , دانلود ویندوز , ویندوز آپدیت شده , updated windows , ویندوز جدید , ویندوز ها , سیستم عامل ویندوز , ویندوزیها , , dkn , c , nhkg , n , dkn , c , WINDOWS XP , XP , دانلود ویندوز XP , ویندوز XP 2020 , ویندوز XP آپدیت شده , Windows XP Professional SP3 x86 - Integral Edition 2020 , 3 , 15 ,
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